“Global Nanomedicine Academy”, Global Heathcare Catalyst Summit, Harvard Medical School, Boston, April 29, 2017
“Nanoplatforms for targeted delivery of molecular inhibitors and multi-modal imaging”, International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Halong Bay, Nov 2016.
“Magnetic nanoplatforms for biomedical applications”, AOARD Workshop on Nanomagnetism, Paris, 7/5/2016
“Nanoplatforms for targeted delivery of molecular inhibitors and multi-modal imaging”, American Chemical Socieity Symposium, Harvard University, June 6, 2016
Global Nanomedicine Academy”, Global Healthcare Summit, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, April 29, 2016
“Manufacturing Personalized Nanomedicines”, NIST Workshop on Advancing Nanoparticle Manufacturing, Oct 7, 2015.
“Genomic Nanomedicines for Cancer Therapy”, BBCAGR Qatar University, Qatar, Keynote Speaker, March 24-29, 2015.
“NeuroDot Sensors for Electric Field Encephalography”, NSF SBIR Phase I Workshop, Sept 28-30, 2015.
“Outcomes of an interdisciplinary, dual-mentor doctoral training program”, Invited talk for annual American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Boston, MA, Anne vandeVen and S.Sridhar.
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, Translational Nanomedicine Conference, Ahmedabad, India, Dec 15-17, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine”, Keynote Speaker, The 7th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science And Nanotechnology, Halong Bay, Vietnam, Nov 2014
“PARP Inhibitor Nano-Therapy in Ovarian Cancer Models”, 10th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium, Seattle, September 8-9, 2014
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine, Plenary Talk, ITNANO, Boston, July 27, 2013.
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine, Plenary Talk, ITNANO, Boston, July 27, 2013.
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science And Nanotechnology, Halong Bay, Vietnam, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2012
“Nanotechnologies for Image Guided Therapies, Fifth Image Guided Therapy workshop organized by the National Center of Image Guided Therapy (NCIGT), Boston, Sept. 21, 2012.
“Magnetic Nanoplatforms for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, International Workshop on Novel Nano-Magnetic and Multi-Functional Materials, Seoul, Korea, June 11-14, 2012.
“Controlling Light with Negative Metamaterials, International Workshop on Novel Nano-Magnetic and Multi-Functional Materials,
“Seoul, Korea, June 11-14, 2012.
“Nanotechnology for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, June 15, 2012.
“Broadening Participation in the NSF IGERT Nanomedicine Program, NSF IGERT PI Workshop, Washington, DC, April 1, 2012
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine, NSF IGERT PI Workshop, Washington, DC, May 31, 2012
” Nanoplatforms for Imaging, Drug Delivery and Radiation Oncology, Nano 2012, RPI, Albany, April 23, 2012.
“Nanoplatforms for Imaging, Drug Delivery and Radiation Oncology, NanoBio 2012, U South Florida, Tampa, March 23, 2012.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, Bangalore Nano Symposium, Bangalore, India, Dec 7, 2011.
“Introduction to Nanomedicine, Bangalore Nano Symposium, Bangalore, India, Dec 7, 2011.
“Invited Participant, Nanobiomanufacturing Workshop, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Sept 14-15, 2011.
“Slow Light using Negative Metamaterials, SPIE, San Diego, CA, Aug 27, 2011.
“Controlling Light with Negative Metamaterials, SPIE DSS, Orlando, Florida, April 25, 2011.
““Nanoplatforms for Multi-Modal Imaging and Thermal Therapy”, Society of Thermal Medicine, New Orleans, May 2, 2011.
“Invited Panelist, “Translating Nanomedicines to the Clinic”, NCI Alliance Meeting, Nov 15-17, 2010.
“Invited Participant, NSF Nanotechnology Center Directors Meeting, Dec 6-8, 2010
“RQEMP “Regoupement québécois sur les matériaux de pointe” Summer School, “Today’s materials reserarch in the hospital of the future”, August 25-27, 2010 Cherbourg, Canada
“American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 21-22, Philadelphia.
“Particles 2010, Medical/Biochemical Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and Drug Delivery Applications of Particle Technology, 22-25 May 2010, Orlando, FL
“Cancer Nanomedicine”, Cancer Nanotechnology Workshop, ICONSAT-2010, Feb 17, 2010, Mumbai, India, February 17, 2010
“Nanomaterials for Nanophotonics”, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2010), Mumbai, India, February 17-20, 2010
“Nanoscale optics using Negative Index Metamaterials”, MRS Symposium on “Metamaterials–From Modeling and Fabrication to Application”, Boston, Dec 1 2009
Panelist, Council of Graduate Schools Workshop on International Collaborations, Quebec City, July 13, 2009
“Nanoscale optics using Negative Index Metamaterials”, 2009 Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, 9/2/-10/2/2009
“Left-Handed Light”, Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, Keynote: Materials and Processes for Medical Devices conference, Minneapolis, Aug 10, 2009
“Regional, State, and Local Initiatives in Nanotechnology 2009”, IGERT Nanomedicine Program at Northeastern University, NNI Workshop, 4/ 1/ 2009
“Nano-optical superlenses using negative index metamaterials”, Keynote: Workshop on Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications”, Uni. Naples, 12/8-19 /08
“Nanomedicine: A new paradigm in diagnosis and therapy”, Plenary talk, “New England Bioengineering Conference”, Brown University, Providence, RI, April 5, 2008
“Optical Metamaterials: New Concepts In Negative Refraction And Imaging”, 5th Symposium on Photonics, “Networking and Computing”, Salt Lake City, July 18, 2007
“Left-Handed Light”, Nanophotonics Symposium, Boston University, May 16, 2007, Boston, MA
Panelist Speaker, “Successful Careers – What Does It Take?”, IGERT PI Workshop, May 16, 2007, Arlington, VA
“Photonic Crystal Metamaterials: New concepts in Imaging and Negative Refraction”, AFRL workshop on EM propagation in Challenging Media, May 8, 2007, Hanscom, MA
“Photonic Crystal Metamaterials: New concepts in Imaging and Negative Refraction”, DARPA workshop on Components for Metamaterials, May 3, 2007, Arlington, VA
“Nanotechnology: An introduction to the science behind the revolution”, Workshop on Nanotechnology and Public Policy: Basic Science, Applications, and Regulatory Implications, Northeastern University, May 2, 2007, Boston, MA
“Negative Index Photonic Crystals: New concepts in imaging and negative refraction”, SPIE Photonics West, Jan 21-25, 2007, San Jose, CA.
“Imaging and Negative Refraction using Photonic Crystals”, MRS Workshop on Metamaterials at the mill-, micro- and nano-scale, Boston, November 27, 2006.
“Nanomedicine: An NCI/NSF IGERT program”, NCI/NIH workshop on Cancer Nanotechnology, San Diego, October 24-26, 2006.
“Nanomedicine: An NCI/NSF IGERT program”, American Association of Medical Colleges, GREAT group meeting, Tucson, October 5-7, 2006.
“Nanomedicine Science and Technology”, XVII Undergraduate Research Symposium, Septermber 15, 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, Materials and Processes for Medical Devices Conference and Exposition (MPMD), Nov 14-16, 2005.
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, SPIE Optics East, Oct. 23-25, 2005, Boston, MA
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, XVI Undergraduate Research Symposium, Septermber 16, 2005, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Imaging and Negative Refraction in Left-Handed Metamaterials”, SPIE-COO, Aug. 30, Warsaw, Poland.
Opening remarks, NSTI Bionanotech 2005, May 10, Anaheim, CA.
“Imaging and Negative Refraction in Photonic Crystals and Metamaterials”, March APS Meeting, Montreal, March 25, 2004.
“Negative Refraction in Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals”, DARPA Workshop on Left-Handed Metamaterials, Arlington, VA, May 12-13, 2003.
“Exploring semiclassics using microwaves”, Workshop on “Semi-classical Methods in Physics and Chemistry”, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, April 7-11, 2003.
“Is there a narrow collective conductivity mode in the cuprates?”, Symposium on “Inhomogeneous and Strongly Correlated Materials with Novel Electronic Properties”, Miami, March 23-28, 2003.
“Electrodynamics at microwave frequencies of superconducting cuprates and diborides”, International Symposium on “Low Energy Electrodynamics of Solids”, LEES2002, Montauk, NY, Oct. 13-18, 2002.
Electrodynamics of superconducting and other oxides: collective dynamics and signatures of lattice instabilities”, International Center for Theoretical Physics Workshop on “Intrinsic and Multiscale Structure and Dynamics in Electronic Oxides”, July 1-5, 2002, Trieste, Italy.
The Fourth International Conference on “Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations”, May 24-27, 2002, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, NC.
“Quantum Waves In Chaotic Billiards”, DAMOP-APS, Symposium on Quantum Chaos, Williamsburg, VA, May 29 – June 2, 2002.
“Microwave Properties of Superconducting MgB2”, American Physical Society March Meeting, Indianapolis, March 2002.
“Microwave Properties of Superconducting MgB2”, Int. Workshop on HTS in HFF, Cape Cod, June 9-12, 2002.
“Quantum Chaos: Theory and Applications”, Cocoyoc, Mexico, July 8-13, 2001.
Nobel Symposium on “Quantum Chaos Y2K”, Backaskogs Castle, Sweden, Jun 13-16, 2000.
Invited talk at American Physical Society, March Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Mar. 20-25. TITLE : “Quantum resonances and decay of a fractal repeller observed using microwaves”.
ONR Workshop on “Stripes and Antiferromagnetism in HTS Electronics”, March 4-5, 2000.
Institute for Nuclear Theory Workshop on “Complex Systems and Quantum Chaos”, U. of Washington, Seattle, Mar. 12-16, 2000.
M2S-HTSC-VI, Houston, Texas, Feb. 20-25, 2000.
5 Lectures at the Summer School on “Quantum Chaos”, Canberrra, Australia, Jan. 11 to Feb. 22, 1999.
“Electrodynamics of Spin and Charge in Cuprates and Nickelates”, International Conference on High Temperature Superconductivity, Miami, FL, Jan.7 to 12, 1999.
“Microwave Response of HTSC : How well are the results described by d-wave superconductivity?”, Int. Workshop on HTSC in High Frequency Fields, Stockholm, June 20-25, 1998.
STRIPE ’98, Rome, June 2-7, 1998.
“Quantum Chaos and Localization : Microwave Experiments”, Workshop on Quantum Non-Integrability, ITAMP, May 1-3, 1998.
“Wave Chaos and Localization in Closed Billiards and Open Scattering Systems : Microwave Experiments”, American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, Mar. 19, 1998.
“Two Pairing Channels ion YBCO : Possible evidence from microwave measurements”, Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors, SNS97, Cape Cod, MA, Sept. 14-18, 1997.
“Electrodynamics of Superconductors at Microwave Frequencies”, Workshop on “Flux, Quantum, and Mesoscopic Effects in Superconducting Materials and Devices”, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Aug. 4-8, 1997.
“Vortex Dynamics and Microwave Devices”, Summer School on Magnetic Vortices in Superconductors, Midwest Consortium on Superconductivity, Purdue University, July 23-25, 1997.
“New results on the microwave properties of ultrapure YBCO crystals : Evidence for two-component superconductivity”, Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics of Solids, Ascona, Switzerland, July 6-10, 1997.
“New Results on the Microwave Conductivity of YBCO Crystals : Evidence for a multi-component order parameter”, American Physical Society March Meeting, March 16-21, Kansas City, MO
“New Results on the Microwave Conductivity of YBCO Crystals : Evidence for multi-component superconductivity”, 5th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors, Feb. 28 – Mar. 4, 1997, Beijing, China
“Chaos in Electromagnetic Systems”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Dec. 14-19, New Delhi, India
“Order parameter Symmetry and Vortex Dynamics in Superconductors : What can we learn from Microwave experiments”, International Conf. On HTSC – 10 years after the Discovery, Dec. 16-21, Jaipur, India
“New Results on the Microwave Surface Impedance of Cuprate Superconductors”, 4th International Workshop on High Tc Superconductors in High Frequency Fields, Monterey, CA, Sep. 30 to Oct. 2, 1996.
“Quantum Waves in Microwave Billiards : I and II”, Lectures at the School on Classical and Quantum Chaos at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, June 24 – July 5, 1996
“New Results on the Microwave Surface Impedance of Cuprate Superconductors”, 10th Anniversary Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of HTSC”, Texas Center for Superconductivity, U. of Houston, Mar. 11-16, 1996.
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards : Microwave Experiments”, Workshop on Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy in Solids, UCLA, Mar. 26-29, 1996.
“Quantum Chaos and Disorder in Billiards : Microwave experiments”, Am. Phys. Soc. Mar. Mtg, (San Jose, 1995), March 22, Invited talk
“Pairing, Pair-breaking and Anisotropy of High Tc Superconductors”, Conf. on Spectroscopies of Novel Superconductors, Stanford, Mar.14-18, 1995
“Scars, Spectra and Isospectra : Experiments in Quantum Chaos”, Lectures at School on Quantum Chaos, Aix-le-Bains, France (Feb. 13-17, 1995)
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, Int. Workshop on HTSC in High Frequency Fields, Cologne, Germany, Oct. 2, 1994.
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, Selected Oral Presentation, Materials and Mechanisms of HTSC, Grenoble, France, July 1994.
“Non-linear microwave response at high powers in HTSC thin films”, Intnl. Symposium on High Power Microwave Response of Superconductors, IEEE-MTT-S, San Diego, May 1994.
“Microwave Properties of High T$_c$ Superconductors”, Workshop on “Electromagnetic Response of HTSC”, IISc, Bangalore, India, Feb 2-4, 1994.
Workshop on “Vortex Fluctuations”, Trieste, Italy, Aug., 1993.
“Experimental Verification of the theorem of Isospectral Domains”, Symposium on”Eigenvalues in Reimannian Geometries”, Amer. Math. Soc., San Antonio Jan.’ 93 (by D.DeTurck)
“Experimental observation of scars in microwave cavity billiards”, 3rd Workshop on Quantum Nonintegrability Drexel Univ., Philadelphia May, ’92
“Electrodynamics of High T$_c$ superconductors in the Meissner and mixed states”, APS March Meeting, Invited Talk, Indianapolis March, ’92
Symposium on HTSC in High Frequency Fields, Santa Fe Apr., ’92
Short Course on Microwave SC, MTT Symposium, Boston June, ’91
IEEE/MTT Symposium, Dallas May, 1990
Gordon Conf. on Dielectric Phenomena June, 1990
Symposium on High Frequency Fields and HTSC Williamsburg, Virginia ar., ’90
NYSIS Conf. on HTSC Sept., 1989
IEEE MTT Symposium, New York May, 1988
Argonne info. exchange on Rf SC Sept., 1988
New England Conf. on High T superconductors Aug., 1987
Argonne workshop on Rf SC Sept. 14-18, 1987
Member, SC Panel, Rf Expo East Oct., 1987
Aspen Winter Condensed Matter Conf. Jan., 1987
Int. Conf. on CDW’s, Budapest 1984
Invited Talks at Universities and Labs
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine”, Harvard University, April 5, 2017
“New Opportunities in Nanomedicine Research and Education”, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Nov 5, 2015.
“New Opportunities in Nanomedicine Research and Education”, Tuskegee University, Nov 2, 2015.
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, Barts Cancer Center, Queen Mary Univ of London, Nov 18, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms and Neurotechnology”, Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, Seattle, Sept 10, 2014.
“Nanomaterials for Photonics”, ISIDDE, Oviedo, Spain, June 24, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms for Cancer Therapy and Multi-Modal Imaging”, presentation to Sanofi, Boston, June 10, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms for Breast Cancer”, Breast Oncology Seminar Series, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, April 2, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, Tufts Veterinary School, Grafton, MA, Feb 28, 2014.
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, Delhi University, Dec 18,2013
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Dec 20,2013
“Nanoplatforms for Precision Medicine”, National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India , Dec 26,2013
“Multi-functional Nanoplatforms for Image Guided Radiation Therapy, Innovation Grand Rounds, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Jan 7, 2013.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, Mazumdar-Shaw Cancer Center, Bangalore, India, Jan 2, 2012
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Dec 27, 2012
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India, Dec 24, 2012
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine, University of Hanoi, Nov 30, 2012.
“Nanoplatforms for Photonics and Medicine, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov 29, 2012.
“Nanoplatforms for Personalized Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL, Sept 24, 2012
“Nanoplatforms for Imaging, Drug Delivery and Radiation Oncology, MGH, May 29, 2012.
“Controlling light with negative metamaterials”, SN Bose Research Institute, Kolkata, India, Dec 12, 2011.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine”, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, Dec 13, 2011.
“Controlling light with negative metamaterials”, Stanford Research International, Aug 29, 2011.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine”, Varian Medical Systems, Aug 30, 2011.
“Controlling light with negative metamaterials”, Raman Research Institute, July 12, 2011.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine”, IISC, Bangalore, July 11, 2011.
“Controlling light with negative metamaterials”, IISC, Bangalore, July 6, 2011.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine”, Harvard School of Public Health, March 10, 2011.
“IGERT Nanomedicine Science and Technology”, Tuskegee University, Feb 17, 2011.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanomedicine”, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Feb 16, 2011.
“Graphene Metamaterials for Infrared Applications”, ARL Adelphi, MD, Jan 28, 2011.
“Magnetic Nanoplatforms for Imaging and Thermal Therapy”, Dartmouth Medical School, Dec 21, 2010
“Nanotechnology for Radiation Oncology”, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Research Retreat, Nov 30, 2010.
“Nanoplatforms for Nanophotonics and Nanomedicine”, University of Naples Frederico II, December 17, 2008v
“Univ. Puerto Rico October 2008
“Nanomedicine : A new paradigm in diagnosis and therapy”, July 9, 2008, Universidad Central Del Caribe, Puerto Rico
“Left-Handed Light”, U Mass Boston, Nov 2007
“Nanomedicine : A new paradigm in diagnosis and therapy”, July 9, 2008, Universidad Central Del Caribe, Puerto Rico
“Left-Handed Light”, U. of Buffalo, October 3, 2006
“Nanotechnology and Biotechnology at Northeastern University: Partnerships in Research and Education”, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May 6, 2005.
“Left-Handed Light”, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May 6, 2005.
“Left-Handed Light”, Dartmouth College, April 15, 2005.
“Left-Handed Light”, Hanscom AFB, Feb 8, 2005.
“Left-Handed Light”, U. of Naples, Dec. 20, 2004.
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, U. of Naples, Dec. 21, 2004.
“Left-Handed Light”, U. Mass., Lowell,11/10/05
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, Biology department seminar, Northeastern University, Nov, 2005
“Left-Handed Light”, ECE department seminar, Northeastern University, Oct. 2005.
“New materials for telecommunications and medicine”, MIE department seminar, Northeastern University, Oct. 2005.
“Nanomedicine – A new paradigm in Diagnosis and Therapy”, Boston Scientific Co., June 8, 2004.
“Left-Handed Light”, Tata Institute, Mumbai, July 04
“Left-Handed Light”, Raman Research Institute, 7/04
“Negative Refraction and Left-Handed Electromagnetism in Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals”, Raman Research Institute, July 24, 2003
“Spectral Properties of Chaotic and Disordered Systems”, Indian Institute of Science, July 22, 2003
“Quantum Chaos and Left-Handed Electromagnetism in Microwave Billiards”, University of New Mexico, April 18, 2003
“Quantum Chaos and Left-Handed Electromagnetism in Microwave Billiards”, Los Alamos National Labs, April 17, 2003
“Electrodynamics of superconducting and other oxides: collective dynamics and signatures of lattice instabilities”, Boston University, Oct. 4, 2002.
“Left-Handed Light”, Raman Research Institute, August, 2002
“Left-Handed Light”, Indian Institute of Science, August, 2002
“Quantum Chaos in Microwave Billiards”, William and Mary College, Nov. 16, 2001
“Quantum Chaos in Microwave Billiards”, Wesleyan University, Nov. 1, 2001
“Electrodynamics of Cuprate and Borocarbide Superconductors”, TIFR, Mumbai, 7/3/2001.
“Quantum Chaos in Microwave Billiards”, Raman Research Institute, 6/26/2001
“Electrodynamics of Cuprate and Borocarbide Superconductors”, IISc, Bangalore, 6/21/2001
TRW, Albuquerque, May 23, 2001.
MACOM, Nov. 2000.
Institute for Solid State Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, June 2000.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, May, 2000.
Jawaharlal Center for Advanced Research, Bangalore, India, May 2000.
Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bombay, May 2000.
Brandeis University, Colloquium,”Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Oct. 5, 1999.
Tufts University, Colloquium,”Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Oct. 5, 1999.
Naval Research Laboratories, “Quantum Chaos and Localization in Microwave Systems”, June 2, 1999.
Los Alamos National Labs, Feb.10, 1999.
U. of Miani, Nov.17, 1998.
University of Minnesota, Sep. 27, 1998
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, U.Paris-Sud, Orsay, Labo de Chimie des Solides, Mar.3, 1998.
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, Rutgers University, Feb. 25, 1998.
“Two pairing channels in YBCO : Possible evidence from microwave experiments”, U.Paris-Sud, Orsay, Labo de Physique des Solides, Mar.2, 1998.
“Two pairing channels in YBCO : Possible evidence from microwave experiments”, UC-Los Angeles, Jan.20, 1998.
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, UC-Irvine, Jan. 21, 1998
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, UC-Riverside, Jan. 22, 1998
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, UC-Riverside, Jan. 22, 1998.
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, UC-Irvine, Jan. 23, 1998.
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, Clark University, Worcester, MA, Nov. 6, 1997
“Superconductivity and Magnetism in Oxides : Probing Collective Electronic Phenomena using Microwaves”, Penn State Univ., State College, PA, Oct. 27, 1997
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Penn State Univ., State College, PA, Oct. 27, 1997
“Two pairing channels in YBCO : Possible evidence from microwave experiments”, Brown University, Nov. 16, 1997.
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Los Alamos National Labs, Aug. 8, 1997.
“Evidence for multi-component superconductivity in YBCO from microwave experiments”, IISC, Bangalore, India, July 16, 1997.
“Vortex dynamics in borocarbide and cuprate superconductors”, IISc, Bangalore, India, July 21,1997.
“Evidence for multi-component superconductivity in YBCO from microwave experiments”, TIFR, Bombay, India, July 23, 1997.
“Evidence for multi-component superconductivity in YBCO from microwave experiments”, Univ. of Geneva, July 9, 1997
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 3, 1997
“Evidence for multi-component superconductivity in YBCO from microwave experiments”, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 3, 1997
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Georgia Inst. Of Technology, Atlanta, April 2, 1997
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Brandeis Univ., Boston, April 4, 1997
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, SUNY-Stony Brook, Jan. 21, 1997
“Evidence for multi-component superconductivity in YBCO from microwave experiments”, SUNY, Stony Brook, Jan 21, 1997
“The Superconducting State in Cuprate Superconductors : New results from Microwave Experiments”, Univ. of Geneva, July 1, 1996.
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic and Disordered Billiards : Microwave Experiments”, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara, June 3, 1996.
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, Iowa State University, Feb. 1996
“Order Parameter Symmetry and Vortex Dynamics : What can we learn from Microwave experiments?”, Iowa State University, Feb. 1996
“Quantum Waves in Chaotic Billiards”, U. of Minnesota, Feb. 1996.
“Order Parameter Symmetry and Vortex Dynamics : What can we learn from Microwave experiments?”, Rutgers University, Oct. 10, 1995.
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Mechanics”, Raman Inst., Bangalore, India, Sept. 2, ’95
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Mechanics”, Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore, India, Sept. 6, ’95
“Pairing, Pair-Breaking and Anisotropy of High $T_c$ Superconductors”, Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India, Sept. 4, ’95.
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Mechanics”, Tata Inst. Of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India, Sept. 5, ’95.
“Scars, Spectra and Isospectra : Experiments in Quantum Chaos”, Labo. de Spectrometrie, Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France (Feb.16, ’95)
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Mechanics”, Northeastern Univ., Feb.5, 1995
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Mechanics”, Raytheon Laboratories, Nov. 1994
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Billiards : Microwave experiments”, AT\&T Bell Labs, Oct. 1994
`Electrodynamics of Cuprate and Borocarbide Superconductors”, AT\&T Bell Labs, Oct. 1994
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Billiards : Microwave experiments”, IISc, Bangalore, India (2/8/94),
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, IISc, Bangalore, India (2/8/94), (SC)
“Chaos and Disorder in Quantum Billiards : Microwave experiments”, TIFR, Bombay, India (3/1/94)
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, TIFR, Bombay, India (3/1/94)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos” Max Planck Inst., Heidelberg (12/14/93)
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, U.of Karlsruhe, (12/14/93)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos using Microwave Cavities”, LEPES, Grenoble, 11/93, (SC)
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, U. of Geneva, 11/17/93, (SC)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos using Microwave Cavities”, Inst. Physics Nucleaire, Orsay,11/93, (QC)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos using Microwave Cavities”, Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble (11/93) (QC)
“Electrodynamics of Quasiparticles and Vortices at Microwave Frequencies in HTSC”, INPG, Grenoble, 9/93, (SC)
“Experiments on Not ‘Hearing the Shape of Drums”‘, Inst Joseph Fourier, 12/4/93 (Exptal. Math)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars and Spectral Statistics” CNRS/Polygone Colloquium, Grenoble, Fr.11/93
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars and Spectral Statistics”, U. of Geneva, Switzerland, 11/17/93
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars, Spectra and Isospectra”, EPFL, Lausanne, 11/16/93
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars, Spectra and Isospectra”, Ecole Normal Superieure, Paris, (11/93)
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars, Spectra and Isospectra”, Inst. Physics Nucleaire, Orsay, 11/93,
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars, Spectra and Isospectra”, Inst. Laue Langevin, Grenoble (11/93)
“Chaos in Electromagnetic Systems”, IEEE Boston Chapter Jan., ’93 IEEE Boston Chapter Jan., ’93
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars and Spectral Statistics”, Caltech Oct., ’92
“Experiments on Quantum Chaos: Scars and Spectral Statistics”, UC Irvine Oct., ’92
Rome Labs (Hanscom) Nov., 92
Caltech Oct., ’92
UC Irvine Oct., ’92
Univ. of Maryland Apr., ’92
“Microwave experiments on Quantum Chaos”, IISc, Bangalore Apr. ’91
“Microwave experiments on Quantum Chaos”, J. N. Univ., Delhi, Apr. ’91