Formulation and Characterization of Sting Agonist Implants to Overcome Barriers to Delivery Proceedings Article
In: 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE 2023.
In Vivo Flow-Regulated Endothelial Glycocalyx Integrity Leveraged for Targeted Intravenous Nanoparticle Delivery Proceedings Article
In: 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE 2020.
In Vivo Endothelial Uptake of Nanoparticles: Impact of Disturbed Flow and Degraded Glycocalyx Proceedings Article
In: 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE 2019.
BEST IN PHYSICS (THERAPY): Enhanced Drug Delivery by Nanoparticle and Radiation-Mediated Tumor Vascular Modulation Proceedings Article
In: MEDICAL PHYSICS, pp. E535–E535, WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA 2018.
Sustained release of PARP inhibitor Talazoparib and chemotherapeutic Docetaxel from modified brachytherapy spacers for treatment of breast and prostate cancer Proceedings Article
Injectable bionanocomposite hybrid scaffolds with responsive control for enhanced osteochondral tissue regeneration Proceedings Article
In: 2015 41st Annual Northeast Biomedical Engineering Conference (NEBEC), pp. 1–2, IEEE 2015.
Synthesis and Characterization of Injectable Bionanocomposite Hybrid Scaffolds with Responsive Control for Osteochondral Tissue Regeneration Proceedings Article
Glycocalyx Integrity Influences Nanoparticle Uptake by Endothelial Cells Proceedings Article
Targeting integrin alpha v beta 3 receptors with multivalent RGD peptidomimetics Proceedings Article
Localized tumor delivery of radiosensitizers and chemotherapeutics using ‘INCeRT’implants Proceedings Article
In: 2014 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), pp. 1–2, IEEE 2014.
UTE angiography with ferumoxytol Proceedings Article
In: 2014 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), pp. 1–2, IEEE 2014.
Automated cell counting method for microgroove based microfluidic device Proceedings Article
In: 2014 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), pp. 1–2, IEEE 2014.
Polymersomes for image-guided therapy Proceedings Article
In: 2014 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), pp. 1–2, IEEE 2014.
Ultrashort TE imaging with SPIONs: bright prospects for in vivo applications Proceedings Article
Synthesis and characterization of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) peptidomimetics functionalized onto gold nanoparticles Proceedings Article
Slow light using negative metamaterials Proceedings Article
In: Active Photonic Materials IV, pp. 80951D, International Society for Optics and Photonics 2011.
Effects of fibronectin and vitronectin on human fetal osteoblast cell attachment and proliferation on nanostructured titania surfaces Proceedings Article
Beating the diffraction limit using a 3D nanowires metamaterials nanolens Proceedings Article
In: Frontiers in Optics, pp. FWO3, Optical Society of America 2010.
Superresolution Imaging Using a 3D Nanolens Made Up of Bulk Nanowires Metamaterials Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
Metallic Nanolens and III-V Nano-Optical Metamaterials Lenses for Subwavelength Imaging and Optoelectronics Applications Proceedings Article
In: Optics and Photonics for Advanced Energy Technology, pp. ThC4, Optical Society of America 2009.
Metallic nanoparticles for biomedical imaging Proceedings Article
In: 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 759–762, IEEE 2009.
Experimental realization of a generalized superlens using negative refraction at infrared wavelengths Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
Effective medium theory of photonic crystals Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
Negative Index Metamaterials for Superlenses Based on Metal-Dielectric Nanocomposites Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
Anisotropic nanostructured metamaterials for broadband all-angle negative refractionand flat lens imaging Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
Nano-assembly and Controlled Release Kinetics of Nanoelements from Nanoporous Templates Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
A high aspect ratio, flexible, transparent and low-cost parylene-C shadow mask technology for micropatterning applications Proceedings Article
In: TRANSDUCERS 2007-2007 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, pp. 533–536, IEEE 2007.
A three dimensional multi-walled carbon nanotube based thermal sensor on a flexible parylene substrate Proceedings Article
In: 2007 7th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO), pp. 1062–1066, IEEE 2007.
Determination of Refractive Indices of Photonic Crystals: Theory and Experiments Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2006.
Surface-Engineered Nanomaterials for Nanomedicine Proceedings Article
In: ASME 2006 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, pp. 363–372, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection 2006.
Negative Refraction in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2006.
Nanofabrication Based on Nanoporous Membranes Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2006.
Hetero-bifunctional poly (ethylene glycol) modified gold nanoparticles as an intracellular tracking and delivery agent Proceedings Article
In: NSTI Nanotech, pp. 324–327, 2005.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide-gold core-shell nanoparticles for biomedical applications Proceedings Article
In: 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show-NSTI Nanotech, pp. 328–331, 2005.
Imaging and negative refraction in left-handed metamaterials Proceedings Article
In: Metamaterials, pp. 595505, International Society for Optics and Photonics 2005.
Image formation by and wave propagation in a photonic crystal Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
Microwave pulse propagation measurements in left-handed materials Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
Imaging by Flat Lens Using Negative Refraction in Microwave Photonic Crystals Proceedings Article
In: APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
Statistics of the Eigenfunctions of Chaotic and Disordered Quantum Systems: A Disordered Tight Binding Model Calculation Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Spectral statistics of microwave disordered billiards Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Microwave and Radio Frequency Response of MgB_2. Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Refraction of Electromagnetic Energy for Wave Packets Incident on a Negative Index Medium: Always Negative Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Microwave Propagation in Negative Index and Artificial Dielectric Media Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
Microwave and Radio Frequency, RF, Measurements on Superconducting MgB_2. Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
Microwave Transmission in Left-Handed Metamaterials Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
Microwave Properties of Superconducting MgB_2 Proceedings Article
In: APS Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
Intrinsic Multiscale Structure and Dynamics in Complex Electronic Oxides Proceedings Article
In: World Scientific Singapore Proceedings of the Workshop ICTP, Trieste, Italy 2002.
Spectra and wave functions of open chaotic billiards Proceedings Article
In: APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
Date: 04/02/16
Title: Longitudinal Monitoring of Nanoparticle Accumulation in Prostate Tumors
Poster. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), San Diego, CA.
Authors: Ju Qiao, Liam Timms, Codi Gharagouzloo, Joseph Nneji, Zihang Fang, Kristofer Patel, Paige Baldwin, Anne L. van de Ven, Srinivas Sridhar
Date: 04/07/16
Title: Unlocking the Brain: Elucidating Brain Activity to Determine Systems Level Functionality
Poster. RISE 2016, Research Innovation and Scholarship Expo, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Authors: Liam Timms, Ju Qiao, Codi Gharagouzloo, Zihang Fang, Joseph Nneji, Anne L. van de Ven, Praveen Kulkarni, Craig Ferris, Srinivas Sridhar
Date: 04/07/16
Title: Curing cancer: Using MRI to understand how and why therapeutic nanoparticles work
Poster. RISE 2016, Research Innovation and Scholarship Expo, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Authors: Ju Qiao, Liam Timms, Codi Gharagouzloo, Zihang Fang, Joseph Nneji, Kristofer Patel, Paige Baldwin, Anne L. van de Ven, Srinivas Sridhar
Date: 05/07/16
Title: Quantitative Vascular Imaging with QUTE-CE MRI.
Poster. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Singapore.
Authors: Codi Gharagouzloo, Liam Timms, Ju Qiao, Zihang Fang, Joseph Nneji, Anne L. van de Ven, Praveen Kulkarni, Craig Ferris, Srinivas Sridhar
Date: 06/23/16
Title: QUTE-CE: A Novel Technique to Monitor Nanoparticle in Tumors
Poster. Nanomedicine Day, Northeastern University
Authors: Ju Qiao, Liam Timms, Codi Gharagouzloo, Zihang Fang, Anne van de Ven, Praveen Kulkarni, Craig Ferris, Sagar Kamarthi, Srinivas Sridhar
Date: 6/27/2016
Title: Quantitative tumor imaging using magnetic nanoparticles
Poster: AACR-EPSO, June 25-27, 216, Boston, MA, United States
Authors: Ju Qiao, Liam Timms, Codi Gharagouzloo, Zihang Fang, Anne van de Ven, Sagar Kamarthi, Srinivas Sridhar
S. Kunjachan, A. Detappe, R. Kumar, S. Sridhar, G. Makrigiorgos, and …, “PO-0983: Nanoparticle mediated tumor vascular disruption: A novel strategy in radiation therapy,” Radiotherapy and Oncology 119, S477-S, vol. 478, , 2016.
R. Cormack, P. Nguyen, A. D’Amico, S. Sridhar, and G. Makrigiorgos, “Localized Radiosensitization of Brachytherapy: Determining the Optimal Design of Drug Eluting Implants,” Brachytherapy 15, S161-S, vol. 162, , 2016.
P. Baldwin, A. Ohman, J. Thong, S. Tangutoori, D. Dinulescu, and S. Sridhar, “Abstract A03: PARP inhibitor nanotherapy for ovarian cancer.,” Clinical Cancer Research 22 (2 Supplement), A03-A, vol. 3, , 2016
R Kumar, J Belz, S Markovic, M Niedre, W Ngwa, H Korideck, R Cormack, P Nguyen, A D’Amico, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Local chemotherapy and chemoradiation therapy using INCeRT brachytherapy implants in cancer models. In: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2015 Apr 18-22; Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2015. Abstract nr 1806.
S Kunjachan, A Detappe, R Kumar, S Sridhar, M Makrigiorgos, R Berbeco. Nanoparticle mediated tumor vascular disruption: A novel strategy in radiation therapy. Radiation Research Society 61st Annual Meeting, Sept 19-22, 2015 Weston FL.
JE Belz, R Kumar, H Korideck, AL van de Ven, PL Nguyen, AV D’Amico, M Makrigiorgos, R Cormack, S Sridhar. Sustained radiosensitization using INCeRT implants for localized chemo-radiation therapy in prostate cancer. Radiation Research Society 61st Annual Meeting, Sept 19-22, 2015 Weston FL.
R Kumar, W Ngwa, H Korideck, S Kunjachan, R Berbeco, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Engineering new generation of gold nanoparticles for localized radiosensitization in cancer radiation therapy. Radiation Research Society 61st Annual Meeting, Sept 19-22, 2015 Weston FL.
Cifter, G., Sajo, E., Korideck, H., Kumar, R., Sridhar, S., Cormack, R., Makrigiorgos, G. and Ngwa, W., 2015. MO-FG-BRA-05: Next Generation Radiotherapy Biomaterials Loaded With Gold Nanoparticles. Medical physics, 42(6), pp.3565-3565, (AAPM-2015, July 12-16, Anaheim CA).
M. Cheng, H. Homayoni, R. Kumar, S. Sridhar, T. J. Webster, E. E. Ebong, Multi-Functional Nanoparticle Development for Glycocalyx Heparan Sulfate Regeneration on Cultured Endothelial Cells. Society for Biomaterials (SFB2015) Annual Meeting & Expo, April 15-18 2015, Charlotte, NC.
P Baldwin, I Shanmugam, S Tangutoori, A Ohman, D Dinulescu, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Nanoformulations of PAPR inhibitors nanoolaparib and nanotalazoparib for targeted cancer therapy. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference: Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics; 2015 Nov 5-9; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Ther 2015;14(12 Suppl 2):Abstract nr B35.
R Kumar, J Belz, I Shanmugam, W Ngwa, R Berbeco, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Radiosensitization using gold nanoparticles for effectively targeting molecular pathways in cancer radiation therapy. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference: Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics; 2015 Nov 5-9; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Ther 2015;14(12 Suppl 2):Abstract nr C147.
J Belz, K Liby, P Baldwin, R Kumar, A van de Ven, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Sustained release of PARP inhibitor Talazoparib from bioedgradable implant for treatment of BRCA1-mutated breast cancer. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference: Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics; 2015 Nov 5-9; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Ther 2015;14(12 Suppl 2):Abstract nr B42.
C.Gharagouzloo, P.McMahon, J.Nneji,. S.Sridhar, “Diagnosing Neuropathy Early with QUTE-CE MRI”, ITNANO 2015 Nanomedicine Conference, Boston, MA.
American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, NanoPARP inhibitors for cancer therapy, Philadelphia, PA April 18-22, 2015
AACR-Advances in Ovarian Cancer Research: Exploiting Vulnerabilities, PARP inhibitor Nanotherapy for Ovarian Cancer, Orlando, FL Oct. 17-20, 2015
AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Nanoformulations of PARP inhibitors nanoolaparib and nanotalazoparib for targeted cancer therapy, Boston, MA Nov. 5-9, 2015
Quantitative in vivo concentration determination of magnetic nanoplatforms with ultra-short TE MRI, Codi Amir Gharagouzloo, Alexei Matyushov, Patrick McMahon, Srinvas Sridhar, International Translational Nanomedicine Conference (ITNANO), Boston, MA, July 2013
A novel nano-formulation for systemic administration of PARPi-Olaparib (NANO-OLAPARIB) for radiosensitization, chemo-sensitization and combinatorial therapy in prostate cancer. Shifalika Tangutoori1, Houari Korideck2, Mike Makrigiorgos2, Robert Cormack3, Srinivas Sridhar4. AACR Molecular Targets and Cancer Terapeutics, Boston, October 2013
R Kumar, J Belz, S Markovic, T Jadhav, P Nguyen, M Niedre, A DAmico, M Makrigiorgos, R Cormack, S Sridhar. Sustained release of drug eluting nanoparticles from implantable devices for loco-regional chemoradiation therapy. Proceedings: AACR 104th Annual Meeting 2013, 6-12 April 2013, Washington DC. Abstract 1594.
Rajiv Kumar; Tej Jhadav; Houari Korideck; Wilfred F. Ngwa; Ross I. Berbeco; Robert Cormack; G. Mike Makrigiorgos; Srinivas Sridhar. Engineering 4th Generation Nanoparticles for Localized Radiosensitization in Cancer Radiation Therapy. NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, Annual Private Investigators’ Meeting Sept 17-19, 2013.
Rajiv Kumar, Jodi E. Belz, Stacey Markovic, Houari Korideck, Wilfred F. Ngwa, Mark Niedre, Ross I. Berbeco, Robert Cormack, Mike G. Makrigiorgos, Srinivas Sridhar. Localized tumor delivery of radiosensitizers and chemotherapeutics using ‘INCeRT’ implants. AACR Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Boston, October 2013
National Center for Image-Guided Therapy (NCIGT) Workshop, Boston, MA, Sept 2012, Positive Contrast Ultrashort TE imaging with Ferumoxytol Contrast Agent, Codi Amir Gharagouzloo, Saaussan Madi, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh Harisinghani, Srinvas Sridhar
World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept 2012, Environment and mobility influence on magnetic nanoparticles with Ferumoxytol, Codi A. Gharagouzloo, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh G. Harisinghani, Srinivas Sridhar
Research, Innovation & Scholarship Expo (RISE), Boston, MA, March 2012, Synthesis & Characterization of a Novel, Theranostic, Click-Enabled Nanoplatform (fLPA-SPIO@AuNS), Michael J. Johnson, Codi Gharagouzloo, Dattatri Nagesha, Rajiv Kumar, Srinivas Sridhar, David R. Janero, Alexandros Makriyannis
R Kumar, A Kulkarni, D Nagesha, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Nanocoated brachytherapy spacers eluting radiosensitizers for biological in situ image-guided radiation therapy of prostate cancer. Cancer Research June 4, 2012, 72(8), Suppl 1, 1473; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1473; Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL Abstract 1473.
R Kumar, J Patel, H Korideck, RI. Berbeco, MG. Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar Comprehensive evaluation of PEGylated gold nanorods for two photon photoluminescence image guided radiation therapy enhancement. Cancer Research: April 15, 2012; 72 (8), Suppl 1, 1472; doi: 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1472; Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL Abstract 1472.
R Kumar, S Markovic, T Jadhav, M Niedre, P Nguyen, A D’Amico, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar, R Cormack. Quantitative Imaging to Establish Distribution Parameters of Timed Release of Drug Eluting Nanoparticles from Implantable Devices for Image Guided Chemobrachytherapy. 5th Image Guided Therapy Workshop, September 2012, Boston MA.
R Kumar, H Korideck, W Ngwa, RI Berbeco, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Ultrasmall Fluorescent Gold Nanoparticles for Optical Imaging and Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
R Kumar, J Nabulsi, T Jhadav, DK Nagesha, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Implantable Nanoparticles Doped Brachytherapy Spacers for Synergistic Combinatorial Chemo-radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
DK Nagesha, R Kumar, M Jillella, C Gharagouzloo, S Sridhar Size-dependent Magnetic Nanoparticles for Triggered Hyperthermic Chemotherapy. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Sri Sridhar, Rajiv Kumar, Dattatri Nagesha , “A Self- Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, NEMB 2013, ASME Nanoengineering for Medicine & Biology, Boston MA
Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Srinivas Sridhar, “A Self-Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, CMMI 2012, Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston MA
National Center for Image-Guided Therapy (NCIGT) Workshop, Boston, MA, Sept 2012, Positive Contrast Ultrashort TE imaging with Ferumoxytol Contrast Agent, Codi Amir Gharagouzloo, Saaussan Madi, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh Harisinghani, Srinvas Sridhar
World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept 2012, Environment and mobility influence on magnetic nanoparticles with Ferumoxytol, Codi A. Gharagouzloo, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh G. Harisinghani, Srinivas Sridhar
Research, Innovation & Scholarship Expo (RISE), Boston, MA, March 2012, Synthesis & Characterization of a Novel, Theranostic, Click-Enabled Nanoplatform (fLPA-SPIO@AuNS), Michael J. Johnson, Codi Gharagouzloo, Dattatri Nagesha, Rajiv Kumar, Srinivas Sridhar, David R. Janero, Alexandros Makriyannis
R Kumar, A Kulkarni, D Nagesha, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Nanocoated brachytherapy spacers eluting radiosensitizers for biological in situ image-guided radiation therapy of prostate cancer. Cancer Research June 4, 2012, 72(8), Suppl 1, 1473; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1473; Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL Abstract 1473.
R Kumar, J Patel, H Korideck, RI. Berbeco, MG. Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar Comprehensive evaluation of PEGylated gold nanorods for two photon photoluminescence image guided radiation therapy enhancement. Cancer Research: April 15, 2012; 72 (8), Suppl 1, 1472; doi: 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1472; Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, IL Abstract 1472.
R Kumar, S Markovic, T Jadhav, M Niedre, P Nguyen, A D’Amico, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar, R Cormack. Quantitative Imaging to Establish Distribution Parameters of Timed Release of Drug Eluting Nanoparticles from Implantable Devices for Image Guided Chemobrachytherapy. 5th Image Guided Therapy Workshop, September 2012, Boston MA.
R Kumar, H Korideck, W Ngwa, RI Berbeco, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Ultrasmall Fluorescent Gold Nanoparticles for Optical Imaging and Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
R Kumar, J Nabulsi, T Jhadav, DK Nagesha, R Cormack, M Makrigiorgos, S Sridhar. Implantable Nanoparticles Doped Brachytherapy Spacers for Synergistic Combinatorial Chemo-radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
DK Nagesha, R Kumar, M Jillella, C Gharagouzloo, S Sridhar Size-dependent Magnetic Nanoparticles for Triggered Hyperthermic Chemotherapy. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit November 26 – December 30, 2012, Boston, MA.
Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Sri Sridhar, Rajiv Kumar, Dattatri Nagesha , “A Self- Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, NEMB 2013, ASME Nanoengineering for Medicine & Biology, Boston MA
Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Srinivas Sridhar, “A Self-Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, CMMI 2012, Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston MA
FIOS, Oct 26-27, 2010, Rochester.
MRS Meeting, Fall 2010, Boston (several papers by group).
Number | Title | Speakers | Location | Start Date | End Date | Type |
40 | Polymeric Magnetomicelles: Synthesis and Characterization for Use as MR Imaging Probe | D. Nagesha, R. Sawant, E. Gultepe, V. Torchilin and S. Sridhar | 2007 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 11/26/2007 | 11/30/2007 | Poster Presentation |
39 | Polymeric Magneto-Immunomicelles: Potential for Targeted MRI Imaging Probe | R. Sawant, E. Gultepe, D. Nagesha, S. Sridhar and V. Torchilin | AAPS Meeting, San Diego | 11/10/2007 | 11/15/2007 | Poster Presentation |
38 | Polymeric Magneto-Immunomicelles: Potential for Targeted MRI Imaging Probe | Rishikesh M. Sawant, Evin Gultepe, Dattatri Nagesha, Srinivas Sridhar, Vladimir P. Torchilin | CRS Meeting, Long Beach | 7/7/2007 | 7/11/2007 | Poster Presentation |
37 | Applications of Nanotemplates and Nanoparticles in Nanomanufacturing and Nanomedicine | E. Gultepe, D. Nagesha, C. Fantasia, S. Lloyd, S. Tai and S. Sridhar | APS – March Meeting, Dencer | 3/5/2007 | 3/9/2007 | Oral Presentation |
36 | Surface Modified Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: A Versatile Tool for Diagnosis and Therapy | Dattatri Nagesha, Rishikesh Sawant, Shane Lloyd, Evin Gultepe, Vladimir Torchilin and Srinivas Sridhar | 2006 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 11/29/2006 | 12/1/2006 | Poster Presentation |
35 | Nanomaterials for Nanomedicine: Surface Functionalization for Biomedical Applications | Dattatri Nagesha, Roshanee Bindra, Evin Gultepe, Shane Lloyd, Sherrica Tai and Srinivas Sridhar | Investigators Meeting of NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, 2006, San Diego | 10/24/2006 | 10/26/2006 | Poster Presentation |
34 | Polymeric Magneto-Micelles: Potential MRI Imaging Probe | Rishikesh Sawant, Dattatri Nagesha, Srinivas Sridhar and Vladimir Torchilin | 33rd Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), 2006, Vienna, Austria | 7/22/2006 | 7/26/2006 | Poster |
33 | Magnetic Nanoparticle Vector: A tool for Diagnosis and Therapy | Dattatri Nagesha, Rishikesh Sawant, Patanjali Parimi, Evin Gultepe, Roshanee Bindra, Vladimir Torchilin | NSTI Nanotech 2006, Boston | 5/7/2006 | 5/11/2006 | Poster |
32 | Superparamagnetic Iron oxide-Gold Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications | G. Saini, D. Shenoy, D. K. Nagesha, R. Kautz, S. Sridhar and M. Amiji | NSTI Bio Nano Conference, Anaheim | 5/8/2005 | 5/12/2005 | Poster |
31 | Drug Elution Kinetics from Nanoporous Templates | E. Gultepe, D. K. Nagesha, S. Sridhar | 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 12/1/2008 | 12/5/2008 | Oral Presentation |
30 | Multi-functional Magnetic Nanoplatforms for Targeted Delivery, MRI Contrast Enhancement and Magnetic Hypothermia | D. K. Nagesha, E. Gultepe, R. Sawant, V. Torchilin, A. Jhaveri, R. Campbell, L. Song, N. Soukos, S. Sridhar | 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 12/1/2008 | 12/5/2008 | Oral Presentation |
29 | Transformation Optics by using Indefinite Metamaterial | Yongjian Huang, Bernard Didier Frederic Casse and Srinivas Sridhar | 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 11/30/2009 | 12/4/2009 | Oral Presentation |
28 | Nanoscale Optics with Negative Index Metamaterials | Srinivas Sridhar | 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 11/30/2009 | 12/4/2009 | Oral Presentation |
27 | Using Bulk Nanowires Metamaterials at Optical Frequencies | Bernard Didier F. Casse, Wentao Lu, Yongjian Huang, Evin Gultepe, Latika Menon and Srinivas Sridhar | 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, John B. Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston MA | 11/30/2009 | 12/4/2009 | Oral Presentation |
26 | Release kinetics of radio-sensitizers from nanoporous coatings on gold fiducials: Biological in-situ dose-painting for IGRT | Cassandra Stambaugh, Dayane Tada, Dattatri Nagesha, Evan Jost, Craig Levy, Robert Cormack (Dana Farber), Mike Makrigiorgos (Dana Farber), Srinivas Sridhar | 2010 Northeastern University Research and Scholarship Expo | 3/24/2010 | 3/24/2010 | Poster Presentation |
25 | Multi-modal MRI, SPECT, CT Imaging of Theranostic Nanoplatforms | Francisco Reynoso, Dattatri Nagesha, Aditi Jhaveri, Geoffrey Kuesters, Ben Gershman, Praveen Kulkarni, Craig Ferris, Srinivas Sridhar | 2010 Northeastern University Research and Scholarship Expo | 3/24/2010 | 3/24/2010 | Poster Presentation |
24 | Nanowire Optical Metamaterial and Transformation Optics | Yongjian Huang, Wentao Lu, Bernard Didier Frederic Casse, Srinivas Sridhar | 2010 Northeastern University Research and Scholarship Expo | 3/24/2010 | 3/24/2010 | Poster Presentation |
23 | Superresolution imaging and superfocusing using metamaterials nanolenses | Bernard Didier F. Casse, Latika Menon, Yongjian Huang, Srinivas Sridhar | 2010 Northeastern University Research and Scholarship Expo | 3/24/2010 | 3/24/2010 | Poster Presentation |
22 | A Self-Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species | Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Srinivas Sridhar | CMMI 2012, Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston MA | |||
21 | A Self-Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species | Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Srinivas Sridhar | CMMI 2012, Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston MA | 7/9/2012 | 7/12/2012 | |
20 | A Self- Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species | 34. Samira Faegh, Nader Jalili, Sri Sridhar, Rajiv Kumar, Dattatri Nagesha | NEMB 2013, ASME Nanoengineering for Medicine & Biology, Boston MA | 2/4/2013 | 2/6/2013 | |
19 | Size-dependent Magnetic Nanoparticles for Triggered Hyperthermic Chemotherapy | D.K. Nagesha, R. Kumar, M. Jillella, C. Gharagouzloo, S. Sridhar | MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | 11/26/2012 | 11/30/2012 | |
18 | Implantable Nanoparticles Doped Brachytherapy Spacers for Synergistic Combinatorial Chemo-radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer | R. Kumar, J. Nabulsi, T. Jhadav, D.K. Nagesha, R. Cormack, M. Makrigiorgos, S. Sridhar | MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | 11/26/2012 | 11/30/2012 | |
17 | Ultrasmall Fluorescent Gold Nanoparticles for Optical Imaging and Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer | R. Kumar, H. Korideck, W. Ngwa, R.I. Berbeco, M. Makrigiorgos, S. Sridhar | MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston MA | 11/26/2012 | 11/30/2012 | |
16 | Quantitative Imaging to Establish Distribution Parameters of Timed Release of Drug Eluting Nanoparticles from Implantable Devices for Image Guided Chemobrachytherapy | R. Kumar, S. Markovic, T. Jadhav, M. Niedre, P. Nguyen, A. D’Amico, M. Makrigiorgos, S. Sridhar, R. Cormack | IGT Workshop 2012 – National Center for Image-Guided Therapy, Boston MA | 9/21/2012 | 9/21/2012 | |
15 | Abstract 2674: Radio-sensitizer eluting nanoporous coatings on fiducials markers: Biological in-situ dose-painting for IGRT | Srinivas Sridhar, Dattatri Nagesha, Dayane Tada, Rajiv Kumar, G. Mike Makrigiorgos, Robert Cormack | Proceedings: AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, Apr 2-6; Orlando, Florida, 04/02/2011-04/06/2011 | 4/2/2011 | 4/6/2011 | Cancer Research, July 12, 2011 71:2674; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2011-2674 |
14 | Abstract 380: Magnetic nanoplatforms for tumor targeting, imaging and energy delivery | Srinivas Sridhar, Robert Campbell, Dattatri Nagesha, and Evin Gultepe | 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 | Cancer Research, July 12, 2011 71:380; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2011-380 | |
13 | Abstract 1472: Comprehensive evaluation of PEGylated gold nanorods for two photon photoluminescence image guided radiation therapy enhancement | R. Kumar, J. Patel, H. Korideck, R.I. Berbeco, M.G. Makrigiorgos, S. Sridhar | Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Chicago, IL | 3/31/2012 | 4/4/2012 | Cancer Research: April 15, 2012; 72 (8), Suppl 1, 1472; doi: 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1472 |
12 | Abstract 1473: Nanocoated brachytherapy spacers eluting radiosensitizers for biological in situ image-guided radiation therapy of prostate cancer | R. Kumar, A. Kulkarni, D. Nagesha, R. Cormack, M. Makrigiorgos, S. Sridhar | Proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Chicago, IL | 3/31/2012 | 4/4/2012 | Cancer Research, June 4, 2012, 72(8), Suppl 1, 1473; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2012-1473 |
11 | Synthesis & Characterization of a Novel, Theranostic, Click-Enabled Nanoplatform (fLPA-SPIO@AuNS) | Michael J. Johnson, Codi Gharagouzloo, Dattatri Nagesha, Rajiv Kumar, Srinivas Sridhar, David R. Janero, Alexandros Makriyannis | Research, Innovation & Scholarship Expo (RISE), Boston, MA | 3/29/2012 | 3/29/2012 | Poster Presentation |
10 | Environment and mobility influence on magnetic nanoparticles with Ferumoxytol | Codi A. Gharagouzloo, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh G. Harisinghani, Srinivas Sridhar | World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC), Dublin, Ireland, | 5/9/2012 | 8/9/2012 | |
9 | Positive Contrast Ultrashort TE Imaging with Ferumoxytol Contrast Agent | Codi Amir Gharagouzloo, Saaussan Madi, Ravi T. Seethamraju, Mukesh Harisinghani, Srinvas Sridhar | IGT Workshop 2012 – National Center for Image-Guided Therapy | 9/21/2012 | 9/21/2012 | |
8 | Radiosensitizer-eluting Nanocoatings on Gold Fiducials for Biological In-situ Image Guided Radio Therapy (BIS-IGRT) | D.K. Nagesha, R. Kumar, C. Stambaugh, D. Tada, R. Cormack, M. Makrigiorgos and S. Sridhar | MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston MA | 11/29/2010 | 12/3/2010 | |
7 | Abstract 2674: Radio-Sensitizer Eluting Nanoporous Coatings on Fiducials Markers: Biological In-Situ Dose-Painting for IGRT | S. Sridhar, D. Nagesha, D. Tada, R. Kumar, G.M. Makrigiorgos, R. Cormack | Proceedings: AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, Apr 2-6; Orlando, Florida | 4/2/2011 | 4/6/2011 | Conference Proceedings |
6 | Smart Fiducials with Radio-Sensitizer Eluting Nanoporous Coatings for IGRT | 18. R. Kumar, A. Kulkarni, D. Nagesha, M. Makrigiorgos, R. Cormack, S. Sridhar | Nanotech 2011 Conference and Expo, Boston MA | 6/13/2011 | 6/16/2011 | |
5 | Localized Tumor Delivery of Radiosensitizers and Chemotherapeutics Using ‘INCeRT’ Implants | Rajiv Kumar, Jodi E. Belz, Stacey Markovic, Houari Korideck, Wilfred F. Ngwa, Mark Niedre, Ross I. Berbeco, Robert Cormack, Mike G. Makrigiorgos, Srinivas Sridhar | AACR Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Boston, October 2013 | 10/19/2013 | 10/23/2013 | Poster Presentation |
4 | Engineering 4th Generation Nanoparticles for Localized Radiosensitization in Cancer Radiation Therapy | 4. Rajiv Kumar; Tej Jhadav; Houari Korideck; Wilfred F. Ngwa; Ross I. Berbeco; Robert Cormack; G. Mike Makrigiorgos; Srinivas Sridhar | NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, Annual Private Investigators’ Meeting, Washington DC, USA | 9/16/2013 | 9/19/2013 | Poster Presentation |
3 | Abstract 1594: Sustained Release of Drug Eluting Nanoparticles from Implantable Devices for Loco-Regional Chemoradiation Therapy | R. Kumar, J. Belz, S. Markovic, T. Jadhav, P. Nguyen, M. Niedre, A. DAmico, M. Makrigiorgos, R. Cormack, S. Sridhar | AACR 104th Annual Meeting 2013, Washington DC | 4/6/2013 | 4/12/2013 | Conference Proceedings |
2 | A Novel Nano-Formulation for Systemic Administration of PARPi-Olaparib (NANO-OLAPARIB) for Radiosensitization, Chemo-Sensitization and Combinatorial Therapy in Prostate Cancer | Shifalika Tangutoori, Houari Korideck, Mike Makrigiorgos, Robert Cormack, Srinivas Sridhar | AACR Molecular Targets and Cancer Terapeutics, Boston, October 2013 | 10/19/2013 | 10/23/2013 | |
1 | Quantitative in Vivo Concentration Determination of Magnetic Nanoplatforms with Ultra-Short TE MRI | Codi Amir Gharagouzloo, Alexei Matyushov, Patrick McMahon, Srinvas Sridhar | International Translational Nanomedicine Conference (ITNANO), Boston, MA, July 2013 | 7/26/2013 | 7/28/2013 | Poster Presentation |